Saturday, June 22
Aberdeen Proving Grounds
8:30 am: Meet at Deer Creek Friends Meeting, 1212 Main Street, Darlington, MD. Leave cars parked there and shuttle to walk starting point, corner of Paradise Drive and Level Road.
9 am: Walk to East Bel Air Ave and Harford Blvd in Aberdeen
11:30 am: Gather at the gates of the Aberdeen Proving Ground to hear from Dick Ochs about the contamination left in the environment from years of military weapons testing.
1-2 pm: PeaceWalk will be part of WorldBEYONDWar’s Peace Wave, a 24-hour online event featuring peace activists from around the world. Register here to get the Zoom link.
The van will shuttle people back to their vehicles when we leave Aberdeen Proving Grounds. Lunch at Deer Creek for the walkers.
Sunday, June 23
10 am: Presentation by walkers and military toxic contamination expert Pat Elder at Deer Creek Friends Meeting, 1212 Main St., Darlington, MD
10:45-11:30 am: Silent Worship with Deer Creek Friends Meeting
11:30 am: Brunch and live music at Deer Creek Friends Meeting–Sunday Service welcomes walkers. Foot massages for throughwalkers.
No walking due to heat. Afternoon swim for walkers.
Monday, June 24
Darlington to Shamrock Park, Bel Air, MD
8:30 am: Meet at Benjamin’s Bridge Kayak Launch, Route 1, MD
9:45 am: Students at Bridges Montessori School will come out to greet the walkers on the route.
10 am: Continue walk to Shamrock Park. Note: Walk may be concluded early because of extreme heat.
Tuesday, June 25
Fallston to Nottingham
9 am: Meet at Tacos Tolteca, 2823 Belair Rd, Fallston, MD
Walk to Middle East Mini Mart, 8839 Belair Rd, Nottingham, MD
Wednesday, June 26
Walk into Baltimore.
10 am: Walkers are welcomed to Baltimore at 6900 Bel Air Road.
Walkers continue on to Clifton Park, passing by landmarks including the Women’s Suffrage March to Washington historic roadside marker and the last original “Baltimore Nuclear Free Zone” sign, as well as the current sign.
4 pm: Vigil at 3300 Charles Street to draw attention to Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Lab, the largest academic recipient of Pentagon weapons funding in the nation.
Thursday, June 27
10 am: Meet at 4501 N Charles Street, walk by Harriet Tubman Grove, Union soldiers monument.
Noon-2 pm: Fundraising Lunch at Ambassador Room, 3811 Canterbury Road, Baltimore. $50 donation.
Hear from the throughwalkers about why they are walking and what they have experienced on the route.
Space is limited. Text Lou Curran at 410-599-8899 to reserve.
Friday, June 28
10 am: Meet at 4501 N Charles Street
Walk through Charles Village
Noon: Join Women in Black for their weekly vigil at 40th Street and Elm Avenue, followed by lunch and socializing nearby.
Saturday, June 29
Walk from Baltimore to Catonsville, site of the 1968 anti-Vietnam War action by the Catonsville 9, who broke into the draft offices and removed 378 files, which they publicly burned. Walkers will hear about the action and the events marking its 50th anniversary, which led to the installation of a historic marker noting the site.
8:30 am: Meet at 4501 N Charles St., Baltimore
Sunday, June 30
Fort Meade to Jessup to Laurel
8:30 am: Meet at Fort Meade Visitor Center, 902 Reece Rd, Fort Meade, MD.
Walk to 8700 Washington Boulevard, Jessup, MD
Shuttle over to 8850 Gorman Road, Laurel, MD
12:30 pm: Stop by the Patuxent River to hear from military contamination expert Pat Elder about the toxins in the river and elsewhere in Maryland from Fort Meade and other military facilities.
Fort Meade to Jessup:
To Patuxent River:
Monday, July 1
Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab
9 am: Meet at Miller Branch Library Miller Branch – Howard County Library System, 9421 Frederick Rd, Ellicott City, MD
Walk to Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory, 11100 Johns Hopkins Rd, Laurel, MD 20723
1:30 pm: Vigil at the Applied Physics Lab, largest academic recipient of Pentagon funding in the country
Lunch in the area
Walkers will then take the van to Annapolis Friends Meeting, where they will be housed.
Tuesday, July 2
10 am: Meet at Annapolis Friends Meeting, 51 Dubois Rd, Annapolis, MD
Walk through downtown Annapolis past the Naval Academy, state house, city hall, and ending at the Kunta Kinte-Alex Haley Memorial
6:30 pm: Potluck and discussion at Annapolis Friends Meeting House, 51 Dubois Rd, Annapolis, MD
Wednesday, July 3
College Park
9:30 am: Meet at Mom’s Organic Grocery, 9801 Rhode Island Avenue, College Park, MD.
Walk to Rhode Island Avenue and 34th Street, Mt. Ranier, MD.
6:30 pm: Film showing of Crossings, about a group of women peace activists who walked across the Demilitarized Zone between North and South Korea. Col. Ann Wright, one of the organizers of the walk, will speak afterwards about the project and about ongoing RIMPAC military exercises going on in the Pacific. Korean snacks will be served.
Thursday, July 4
Join in July 4 parade in the People’s Republic of Takoma Park, Maryland.
Between 9 and 9:30 am: Enter parade site through police checkpoint at Jackson and Ethan Allen Avenues in Takoma Park. Walk to Boyd Avenue assembly point for Division 5 and look for PeaceWalk 2024 contingent (we will be flying white Veterans For Peace flags with the VFP logo).
Please be at the Boyd Avenue assembly point by 9:30 am. If you are driving, you may want to arrive before 9 am, when some streets will be closed off. Park wherever you can find a legal spot.
10 am: Parade steps off
Noon: Parade finishes.
Lunch at Olive Lounge & Grill, a Palestinian family-owned restaurant in Takoma Park.
6-9 pm: Evening festival with music and vendors.
Friday, July 5
PeaceWalk arrives in Washington, DC!
8:30 am: Van will shuttle people from College Park Metro Station to walk starting point. Parking is available at College Park Metro Station.
If you will need a shuttle ride, contact Elyse Gilbert, (516) 521-3684, imtbeau8@gmail.com, by 8 pm on Thursday, July 4.
9 am: Walk kicks off from 34th Street and Rhode Island Avenue NE, Mt. Ranier, MD
Walk into DC to the White House
Noon: Vigil at the White House
6 pm: Evening event at Busboys & Poets celebrates the conclusion of PeaceWalk 2024 and welcomes activists to town for the No to NATO, Yes to Peace events July 6 and 7. Busboys & Poets, 450 K St NW Washington, DC