About The Walk

PeaceWalk 2024
We're walking from Maine to Washington, DC, for peace and planet, justice and democracy
PeaceWalk 2024 is an opportunity to expose and discuss the enormous costs and causes of war with our fellow citizens, and to explore ways to nonviolently create a peaceful and truly prosperous society for all. We will draw attention to the existential threats to life on our planet–nuclear war and destruction of our environment–and highlight the connections between militarism, the weapons manufacturers that profit from it, and climate change.
The initiating organization, Veterans For Peace, is composed of veterans and allies dedicated to abolishing war and all its connected evils. Many veterans have seen war up close or have been trained for war. But everyone, veteran or not, is affected adversely by war and the industry that profits from war. Besides the terrible human cost of war, our precious environment and climate are impacted most negatively.
See more at Why We Walk